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SKU: 1.15E+06

让你在家 也享有 sataycelup! 😍


1. 将 [500g沙嗲酱料] 放入1.2公升沸水,搅拌至完全溶解。

    Mix Satay Sauce into 1.2litre boiling water and stirs gently until completely dissolved.


2. 强火继续煮30-40分钟及每5分钟稍微搅拌。

    Cook in midden-high heat for 30 to 40 minutes and stir gently every 5 minutes.


3. 最后,把喜爱食物加入煮熟即可使用。

    Lastly, place your favourite foods into the Satay Sauce to cook for a few minutes and ready to serve.


    RM22.00 Regular Price
    RM18.90Sale Price
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